lør. 14. okt.
|Location is TBD
A Yin training held in English

14. okt. 2023, 13:00
Location is TBD
I´ve been asked to do a Yin Yoga teacher training in English, so here we go! Welcome, let us begin. Let´s arrive together, soften and ground into the world of Yin.
There are many different ways of sharing a Yin Yoga practice. Different styles we can call it. I am trained by Biff Mithoefer, who calls this the Quiet Practice. A simple way of teaching and practising Yin, not too many poses, a lot of stillness, allowing the body to do the work. We address the connective tissues, the flow of energy through the meridians/energy channels, dive inwards and get to know ourselves. It is about non-doing. About releasing, and about coming home and back to who we are.
You will learn everything you need to know about the poses, different variations of the poses, we will talk about energy, meridians, Daoism, how to teach, breath, how to create classes/programs, how to work with different bodies, non-doing, Wu Wei, finding your own language as a teacher, and we will talk about emotions, life and acceptance. Â + some more.
This training will prepare you to go out and share Yin Yoga with others. As Yoga teachers we share knowledge and even more important, we share experience.
I am your teacher, my name is Maria Djoenne, I have trained a couple of hundred teachers in different styles of Yoga. My own practice goes back 18 years, and I have spent 11 of them teaching Yoga as a full time occupation.
This training will be either for a very small group, and located in my home right in the middle of Bergen city center, or if the group turns out to be bigger we will train in a yoga studio, also in the city center of Bergen.
October 14.-15.
+ November 11.-12.
Saturday+Sunday 13-18
with a short lunch break
A yoga mat
A blanket
A bolster
Something to write on + a pen/pencil
An open mind
A compendium
A certificate
5000kr -you pay a deposit of 1500kr when you book, the remaining fee will be invoiced a few weeks before the training. Other payment options can be arranged, do get in touch.
All bookings are binding. No refunds.
No refunds
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